Code Geass 1x11

The Narita Conflict

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The Black Knights' assault on the Britannian Army in Narita proves successful, and Cornelia is cornered by Kallen and Lelouch. The army is pinned down by the Japan Liberation Front when they attempt to assist her. At Euphemia's request, Suzaku rushes onto the battlefield in the Lancelot to rescue Cornelia. He saves Cornelia and manages to corner Lelouch. C.C. comes to Lelouch's rescue by mentally traumatizing Suzaku, but is injured when Suzaku begins firing wildly. As he takes care of her, Lelouch inadvertently learns her real name. The Black Knights retreat from the conflict in victory, leaving the Japan Liberation Front and the Britannian Army to fight amongst themselves.
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25m 2006 84 lecturas

Code Geass
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