Code Geass 1x19

Island of the Gods

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The aftermath of the Avalon's arrival inexplicably leaves Lelouch, Euphemia, Kallen, and Suzaku on the island of Kaminejima. Suzaku encounters Kallen while Euphemia is found by Zero. Suzaku learns Kallen is a Black Knight and pilot of the Guren Mk-II, and in turn tells her about how he killed his father. Euphemia confirms her suspicions that Lelouch is Zero. Schneizel, Lloyd, and Cécile Croomy survey the island's ancient ruins. When Lelouch, Kallen, Suzaku, and Euphemia suddenly fall into the ruins, Lelouch and Kallen steal the prototype Knightmare Frame Gawain to escape. Elsewhere, the exiled Japanese government from seven years ago launches a full-scale assault on Kyūshū with the help of the Chinese Federation.
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25m 2007 84 lecturas

Code Geass
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