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  • HQQ🥇SUB - 720HD
When a 22-year-old future superstar quarterback wakes up to find a dead girl floating in his swimming pool, he turns to his friend, Lucifer, for help. Lucifer enlists Chloe to investigate the case, which leads to the world of big money sports and people who will literally kill to be number one.
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45m 2016 378 lecturas

Imagen SUBSUB1080HD
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Comentarios 2

  • Joan Paul Velásquez - 27 mayo, 2023

    Porque no funciona reproducir unos vídeos de películas

  • edith - 14 octubre, 2022

    muy buena serie