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  • HQQ🥇SUB - 720HD
Lucifer must find the antidote to the Professor's poison before it kills Chloe. He travels to hell to find the Professor's soul and get him to turn over the antidote. While he's there, he is forced to confront his guilt about Uriel's death. Mom heads to hell to get Lucifer back, but Lucifer still feels betrayed by his parents because of something he discovers.
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45m 2017 378 lecturas

Imagen SUBSUB1080HD
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Comentarios 2

  • Joan Paul Velásquez - 27 mayo, 2023

    Porque no funciona reproducir unos vídeos de películas

  • edith - 14 octubre, 2022

    muy buena serie