My Secret Romance 1x3My Insides Flip Like PancakesTemporada 1Temporada 1 13 Episodios ¡Suscribete a Nuestro Servicio VIP! Podrás ver Películas y Series sin PublicidadHQQ🥇SUB - 720HD 1x1 - The One Night Relationship 1x2 - You've Deeply Insulted Me 1x3 - My Insides Flip Like Pancakes 1x4 - The Secret In the Jewelry Box 1x5 - Playing With My Heart 1x6 - Let's Go to Work 1x7 - This Is How Business Is Done 1x8 - You're My Paderella 1x9 - Tell Me the Truth 1x10 - A Tender Farewell 1x11 - I'm the Only One Who Can't Date 1x12 - It's Time to Wake Up From This Dream 1x13 - You're My World, Tonight Yoo Mi copes with her new boss Cha Jin Wook's antics. Cha Jin Wook's ego is tested as Yoo Mi tries to keep the personal and the professional separate.