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  • HQQ🥇SUB - 720HD
In a flashback episode that takes place when Lucifer first came to LA, Amenadiel comes to retrieve his fallen brother, but is shocked when he is mugged. Amenadiel enlists Lucifer's help to track down the mugger and Lucifer, in turn, offers his assistance - but only in exchange for a favor. Meanwhile, Chloe and Dan - who are still married - investigate the murder of an MMA fighter, Aidan Scott, at the hands of the same killer who mugged Amenadiel.
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45m 2018 378 lecturas

Imagen SUBSUB1080HD
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Suscripción Netflix Standar (Garantía 1 Año)
Comentarios 2

  • Joan Paul Velásquez - 27 mayo, 2023

    Porque no funciona reproducir unos vídeos de películas

  • edith - 14 octubre, 2022

    muy buena serie